To say that this year has been a trying one is an understatement. It’s been hard, for so many people and for so many different reasons. But it’s also been a year where we saw and learned so much about ourselves and our world that it’s not something to forget or not acknowledge, either.
I’ve seen many people on social media say how much they loved that their world has slowed down. How much they’ve been able to stop for a minute and actually breathe. This year taught us so much and really put things into perspective. I for one, have much to be grateful for despite some of the worst hiccups I’ve ever faced.
Today’s post is all about what I’m grateful for this year. I hope that after reading it you’re able to reflect on what you’re grateful for, too.
1. Shaun & Parker
I mean, it’s almost a no brainer but I’m very grateful I got to be in lockdown with these two. The days weren’t always easy but these two sure made them better. Being home and being able to go in for a kiss during the day when we normally would be at work was just so special. I’m happy the three of us were able to have that time together.
2. The Lake
I’ve mentioned before that the lake is my happy place. I’ll forever be grateful we live so close to it and that I can visit when I need to. I can’t count how many times I was there in the mornings this year. Whether it was a stop on my run, a visit to read by the water, or simply a family walk with Parker, being close to the lake truly made the days more manageable.
3. Therapy
This was a very big thing for me to begin this year. I don’t think I would be in a good place mentally right now if I didn’t start. I’m grateful I have a supportive husband and therapist who are both people I need. If there has been anything I am happy about this year, it’s the fact that I now have biweekly appointments to help me. This alone made 2020 better for me.
4. Ice Cream Sandwiches
Shaun and I never bought ice cream sandwiches until this year. Not for any particular reason but we just never did. This year we decided to always have some in the freezer and have ice cream sandwich dates on our balcony. I’m so grateful we decided to buy these and continue to throughout the warm months because we had some of our best chats on our balcony eating these.
5. The Little Things
I started my blog back in October 2019 as an outlet for me and something positive to focus on. With a goal of announcing and being active with it in March, I hesitated if I should follow through when the world shut down. I am super grateful that I still decided to pursue it and continue like planned. I have made some amazing friendships this past year that I wouldn’t have if I didn’t decide to continue with it. So I’m incredibly grateful I did and that you’re here reading this today.
6. My Family
Although I have only seen my family a handful of times this year, it really put into perspective just how much I love and appreciate them. On almost every single socially distanced visit we did dating back to the summer months, I left completely overwhelmed and cried. I miss them all so much and am grateful that I even have them all to begin with.
7. The Five Minute Journal
I mention this journal a lot on my blog and social media channels because I truly am grateful that I purchased this at the beginning of lockdown. The journal has shown and taught me so much. It has made me really focus on gratitude and being happy with the smallest things in life. Reminding me that I don’t need much, which seems to be the theme of 2020.
8. The Sunshine
There is no better feeling than when the sun shines through the window or hits your face. When I see the sun peaking through, I run to the windows to draw the curtains to allow every ounce shining come into our home. I’m grateful for the sun shining this year. It was a rather gloomy year in general but having the sun above me made some days more manageable. Some mornings I sat on the balcony and just closed my eyes while the sun came down on me – that will be something I truly miss from this year.
9. My Friends
Every Wednesday my best friend and I have a chat in the evening. We’ve been doing this for years now but in a time where we can’t see each other, these chats meant so much more. I’m also super grateful for my friends and our group chats and zoom dates. We’re normally so busy that keeping in touch becomes hard but I am so grateful to have them in my life and being able to lean on and laugh with when I need it most.
10. Quiet Time In The Mornings
This summer I spent my mornings on the couch with Parker, either reading, watching Youtube, or just having my tea. It was one of the things I absolutely loved the most while being home this year. That time to myself allowed me to reflect, practice gratitude, and simply just sit with my puppy and love him. I never would have had this time or made the time if it wasn’t for being home this year. I’m so grateful I took the time to pause my mornings and make time slow down.

Despite it being a challenging year, what are some things you’re grateful for?
If you didn’t catch yesterday’s blogmas post, you can read that here.
Love this ♥️ FYI, Shaun’s Močiutė used to love ice cream sandwiches too
Aww, I didn’t know that! That just makes them all the more special <3