Everyone tells you the first year of your baby’s life goes by incredibly fast. Lightening speed some would say. As a mother, you do absolutely everything you can to remember those little hands, their beautiful gummy smile, and how curious…

by alexandra filippelli
My name is Alexandra but everyone calls me Alex. I’m a millennial wife and dog mom and live in Oakville, Ontario. Thanks for stopping off at the blog! It's one of the many things I do and love. I love wine too, in case you were wondering. White preferably but hey, a drink is a drink! Learn More...
Everyone tells you the first year of your baby’s life goes by incredibly fast. Lightening speed some would say. As a mother, you do absolutely everything you can to remember those little hands, their beautiful gummy smile, and how curious…
My oh my does the winter bring out some dry skin for me. It hasn’t been quite that cold just yet though but I can already feel a difference in my skin since the temperatures have dropped. Skincare is something…
How cute are baby hands? I think we can all agree that tiny little baby hands are the most adorable thing ever. With this being my daughter’s first Christmas, I wanted to mark the occasion and do a fun DIY…
What does Christmas mean to you? What gets you in the holiday spirit and what makes you excited about it all? In my 33 years of Christmases, this one has been my favourite without a doubt. If you take away…
Blogmas ·
Safe to say that once you have a baby there’s a never ending journey of learning about new things. I for one, recently learned of holiday baskets for your child. I had no idea these were a thing but it’s…
Blogmas ·
How cute are little tiny baby fingerprints? Cute enough to put them on an ornament for your Christmas tree, I tell ya! I made reindeer and a snowman out of my daughter’s thumbprints and it’ll be sure to act as…
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Hi! Welcome to my blog! My name is Alex and I'm so happy you're here. The hope is that you can enjoy my blog and escape within the corner of the internet. Grab a drink and read away!
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