The last few weeks for me have been a little on the overwhelming side. It’s important to recognize when you need a little self care and some time for yourself. In the last couple weeks, there has been ups, downs, and everything in between. I pulled away from social media for a bit to gather myself. Although it helped, I also found myself looking for other ways to make me feel better and what better way than doing a little self care.
If you read my post about Mental Health in Quarantine, you already know that when we were told to stay home, my world flipped upside down a little. My mental health routine was taken away from me and I had to adapt and find other ways to cope.
With these last few weeks being overwhelming, I’ve found myself resorting to the things I know and love. Things that always pull me up out of a place I don’t want to be in. In today’s post, I talk about a few things you can do to help lift your spirits. These are things you can do when you need that extra help to recharge and feel like yourself again. Originally I titled this post, Self Care Sundays, but after some thought I came to realize that self care doesn’t just happen on Sundays. I think it’s important to remember that when we don’t feel our best. Below are some things that I turn to in order to feel a little more me.
Take a Bath
For me, this is a given. I’m a bath person and when I really need to unwind and give myself the space I need, I fill the tub, add in my fav Bath Buddies products, and soak away. Sometimes I soak in complete darkness and other times I bring in my laptop and watch some Youtube videos. Either way, I use my bath time as a means of an escape.
Do Your Nails
Getting my nails done at a salon is definitely, definitely preferred but I also don’t mind doing them at home every now and then. I like doing this when I’m watching tv or have nothing on the go for the day. Painting my nails is an activity that helps calm my mind and allows me to really relax and zone out.
Read a Book
Sometimes for me this is easier said than done. While I love a good book (currently reading The Sweet Spot), I can only do this when I’m not working through feelings or have a lot on my mind. If I do, it’s almost counter productive and I struggle to take in what I’m actually reading. But on days where I feel like I can truly concentrate and am in a good place and need something to turn to, I reach for a book for a quick escape.
Listen To a Podcast
This goes hand in hand for me when cleaning. I’ve found over the years that cleaning helps me clear my head. It gives me a chance to gather my thoughts while doing meaningless tasks that don’t require me to think. While I usually have a music playlist going, I also absolutely love listening to a good podcast while cleaning. They give me the chance to think about other topics other than the ones always circling in my head.
Do a Hair & Face Mask
If there is one skincare routine that I love doing, it’s doing a mask of any kind. Doing a mask lets you concentrate on something else and puts your energy into something fun and beneficial. I’m a sucker for a great mask and always turn to this when I need a quick pick-me up.
Light Your Favourite Candle
Such a simple thing to do that can bring an emence amount of joy. I’ll be the first to admit that I hated burning my favourite candles because I didn’t want to waste them. However in these months at home I’ve come to realize what day is better than today to burn them? I have a current favourite candle that I’ve begun lighting during the days because the smell of it makes me incredibly happy. Look for the things in your home that bring you happiness and enjoy them.
Practice Gratitude
For a while now, I have been plugging away at my Five Minute Journal and what a way to get yourself thinking differently. In all honesty, I don’t recall a time where I sat in the morning and reflected on how thankful I am for. It has given me such an overwhelming sense of gratitude for things I would never think twice about. When I’m feeling low, I reach for my journal and reflect on things that have made me happy that day.
Bake a Treat
Is there really a need to explain this one? I mean, this is a great one and for so many reasons. As a lover of sweets, when I feel overwhelmed I find myself baking sometimes. I’ve mentioned before in another blog post that baking transports my mind to happier times. The process lets me escape whatever negativity I may be feeling. Next on our menu for this week is banana chocolate chip – a condo staple for us at this point.

We as humans are not built to always be happy. It’s just not possible to go around feeling your best and smiling from ear to ear every single day. We all have days when we feel a little more down than others. In my case, my days seem to last a little longer than I’d really like, but doing some of these things helps to manage the dark feelings and give my mind a break.
These are lovely tips! I myself am a bath and candle kind of person so those really speak to me when I’m taking some self care time 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
Yes, me too! I love a good bath to help unwind and relax 🙂