I’m sure none of us could have predicted that we wouldn’t be with our families celebrating Easter this year. What a confusing and challenging time, honestly.
I remember looking to see when Easter was this year and thinking how far it seemed. Yet here we are with Easter about a week away and no one can go anywhere or see anyone. Family dinners mean a lot to me, so thinking of not being able to gather has been difficult to comprehend. But this is our reality and the more we socially distance, the faster we can have it all back.
It was a rather quick realization it was just Shaun and I for Easter dinner. I tried to incorporate some things that would have normally taken place for us though. One of those things being dying Easter eggs. I searched Pinterest for a way to do them differently and found a great pin from Honestly Yum. To see how they were done (using red cabbage!) check out their post. Easiest thing ever, I swear. Mine didn’t come out as perfect as I’d hoped but I do love how they were a little rustic looking.
Finding Inspiration
Dying the eggs gave me some inspiration for an Easter tablescape. We’ve haven’t hosted Easter at our condo yet so it was fun thinking up all the ideas I could do. I would have added pieces here and there to the table but for now, I used items I already had. You’ll note that I have a setting of three dishes for each of our spots on the table but please don’t let that fool you. I don’t plan to make a 3 course meal for just the two of us, lol. Or maybe I will, not too sure yet! The days seem to always be interesting and change. And yes. We did buy ourselves a large Kinder egg each because that’s what you do at Easter.
However you plan to celebrate if you do, I hope that you find something during Easter that brings you joy. Even if it’s a quieter dinner than it would normally be, I hope you’re able to find a slice of happiness.

Are Easter dinners something you look forward to? Sometimes it doesn’t even matter what’s on the table, but who’s around it that makes you full.
If you’re interested in reading more about what we did during quarantine to keep us busy, you can check out the post here.