Making the Change
Being more eco-friendly has become increasingly important to me. I think it’s something that we can all take more time to learn about. There’s no harm in making the change and only good can come from it.
In my post on becoming more eco-friendly, I took everyday items and found sustainable solutions for them. With trying to keep this mindset moving forward, it dawned on me the constant buying of plastic spice jars weren’t part of the solution. So with motivation from Lydia’s blog post, I made an effort to reorganize our jars to become eco-friendly. Keep reading below to find out how I did it!

To begin this process I turned to Amazon to scout out glass jars. I searched high and low for ones I loved in all different stores. There are plenty of options but there was a specific look I was going for so kept looking until the right ones came around. After a month or two of searching I finally found the perfect jars. To make sure I didn’t run out, I bought two sets.
How I Upgraded My Spice Jars
The jars I chose came with black chalk labels ready to use. Although those were great I was going for a certain look so I bought a label maker. I purchased this one here, and it’s great for that price! The labels turned out pretty cute and very happy with the simplicity of them from the label maker.
Once I received all my items, I hand washed the jars and lids and left them to air dry overnight. Once everything was ready to go, I poured out each herb and spice into their new jars and labeled them accordingly. I measured from each lid down (because I’m OCD like that) an inch so that the labels were consistent and matched each other. This is completely optional but I know I would have been annoyed if they were all on different parts of the jars.
What I Also Changed
I took it a step further and replaced the sprinkle jars that were also in plastic. I chose not to label those however, because I figured they may change over time. The plastic holders the jars are in really helps keep them organized with easy access.

The whole process was rather fun to do and the outcome of them was so rewarding. The jars looked like they were straight out of a home décor magazine and the husband was impressed as well! That’s what I call that a straight win, lol.
Moving forward, our goal when buying herbs and spices is to buy them from places like Bulk Barn who have a reusable jar program. I honestly couldn’t be happier with how these turned out – such a small but powerful change. Seeing all the plastic that was able to be recycled confirmed just how much was in the cupboard that was unnecessary.

Have you made any eco-friendly changes to your kitchen? I’d love to know about them!