Guess who’s back, back again…
For those of you who followed my first attempt at blogging, here’s a little secret: Pretty Pink Sparkles was never here to stay. I knew it the entire time but went with it anyway. The reason why that blog wasn’t meant to stay was because I hated the name. I went with that title though because it was taking forever to get my blog up and running. To not waste more time, I went with one of the first names my husband and I thought of. Sure, I love pink and sparkling things but I honestly don’t know what I was thinking.
What it Got Replaced With
The Little Things is here in replace of Pretty Pink Sparkles. I truly wanted something that resembled who I am. As I thought about myself one thing kept coming up – my love for the little things in life. Don’t get me wrong, I love a bougie item as much as the next girl but when it all boils down to the bare, I love those simple, little things that make life so much of what it is. I wanted a space where I could share what I love and decided on The Little Things.
This blog will be a lifestyle one but have no boundaries. Pretty Pink Sparkles was mostly about actual “things” and it just didn’t work for me. The blog wasn’t what I wanted it to be and I think that’s why I fell out of love with it. The Little Things will be a lifestyle blog. Some topics will be home DIYs, thoughts on things I might be feeling, and reviews on products I’ve been loving. Who knows! The Little Things will be an authentic place to share my my life and I hope it becomes a place you turn to and want to follow along.
My Blogging Promise to You
One post a week is my promise to you as a reader and you can check out my next post here. But that’s it, nothing fancy. Content that can spark something within that you find interesting or can relate to.
So here’s to a new beginning of blogging and to the introduction to The Little Things! I hope you grow to love it just as much as I have.
You can also follow me on Instagram and Twitter to keep up to date on all things I’m doing!