When’s the last time you did a snow angel? If there was snow on the ground right now, I’d tell you to go outside and make one. Just drop what you’re doing and go. It’s been a year and we need some joy. Plus, have you ever made an snow angel and not had fun?
Something as simple as just being outside and experiencing a little happiness can do wonders for you. When’s the last time you also made a snowman or had a proper snowball fight? Bring yourself back to those simpler times and enjoy them. A lot has been taken away from us this season so take back from it what you can and let yourself feel small pockets of happiness!
In all seriousness though, I think this holiday season will be difficult for many and for a variety of reasons. It’s been a tough year and what should be the most joyous time of all, is sprinkled with a little bit of sadness because we can’t be with our family and friends the way we normally would. However, that isn’t to say we can let 2020 completely suck us dry. We can continue to seek joyfulness and keep the warm, fuzzy Christmas feelings inside our homes.
Below I listed 10 ways you can do that!

1. Put Up Your Christmas Decorations
This may sound obvious and some of you may have already done this, but in a time where we have to dig for our happiness, it’s easy to throw in the towel and just not decorate for Christmas. What’s the point, right? No one will be coming over, there will be no holiday parties – so why lug out all the Christmas décor for no one to see to just put it away after?
The point of doing this is to allow yourself to experience the magic of Christmas. I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love putting everything out and decorating the tree with Shaun. We make hot chocolates, put on a Christmas playlist, and do our thing until the tree is completely decked out. Why rob yourself of that this year? Why take that away when the year has already taken so much? Put those decorations out and let them bring a smile to your face when you glance over at them during the season.
2. Give More, Take Less
We all know that giving is better than receiving so why not really put that into play this year. This year more than ever, food banks, and local charities need our help. Find a donation centre or food bank and give what you can. I have already asked my family if we can opt out on gifts this year – I don’t need or want anything. What I plan on doing instead is taking that money that would have been spent on trivial items and giving back to the community for ones who may need it more. After all, I think that’s the true spirit of Christmas.
3. Watch Christmas Movies
Probably a no brainer for some, but seriously, hunker down and watch a classic Christmas movie. How about opting for one that you loved when you were younger – you know, the classic, old school, Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer? If you’re stuck for ideas, check out my list of 15 classic Christmas movies. At least one of those will stand out to you.
4. Call An Old Friend
Ever think about those friends you lost touch with because we were all too busy with our everyday lives? Now is the time to give them a call. Catch up on what’s been going on in your world – how have they been coping this year? How are they truly doing, how’s their family?
Sometimes it’s easy to assume they’re doing well and fine because their social grid says so, but that’s often not always the case. A call from an old friend could brighten their spirits more than you might be aware.
Give them a call, wish them a Merry Christmas.
5. Practice Your Bartending Skills
If you like a nice alcoholic drink every once in a while, this one is for you. With us not being able to host holiday parties this year, why not practice making some signature holiday cocktails that you can master to serve up next year. Pinterest is a great source to look up recipes and you can even find some on LCBO’s website.
Mastering a holiday cocktail could become your thing! You can try new ones and find one that you really love that could become a staple in your household during this time of year. Beats the traditional eggnog anytime! Plus, you get to enjoy new, yummy drinks throughout the process of finding your go-to. Win-win in my books!
6. Host a Family Zoom Game Night
Shaun and I have large families – there’s a ton of people sitting at one table during this time of year. I love, like really love, the talking over each other, the shouting from one end to the other to get someone’s attention, the loud conversations you have to have with the person next to you, and most of all, the smiles and laughter you hear throughout the meal. This might sound like utter chaos and super stressful for some people, and sometimes it can be, but this is what I love about this time of year. There is absolutely nothing else that can bring me the happiness that being with my family like this during Christmas.
With that being said though, it’s safe to say that it’s just not in the cards for us this year and that makes me so sad. But – there’s always a but – it doesn’t have to be so quiet if you don’t want it to. Zoom has become the new way of life this year. A new way to connect with our family and friends and who says we can’t bring those homemade holiday cocktails into a Zoom?!
Get a group chat going with your crew, establish a date that works well for everyone, and have a game night. Just because we can’t be together in person, doesn’t mean the house has to remain quiet.
7. Take a Winter Wonderland Walk
Snow is just so magical, I can’t be the only one who feels that. I know it’s a pain in the ass when we’re driving and the driveway needs to be shoveled, but when the night sky hits and you see those big, fluffy snowflakes falling from above, it gets you in the feels.
Instead of watching from the inside, bundle up and go for a walk in the magic with your family. If you have kids, let the bedtime slide for a night. Take a walk and see how many snowflakes you can each catch on your tongue. Or see if you can catch them in your glove and compare how different each, individual flake is. These are beautiful memories and moments that you just can’t buy. Go on and get outside, let that magic in.
8. Freshen Up On Your Christmas Baking
You can’t have Christmas without cookies and treats! Or maybe you can, but not in my world! Christmas baking is definitely a thing so why not practice making something you’ve always loved but resorted to buying because you never had the time to do it yourself. Research some recipes online or call a family member that makes those delicious little things you know and love and try making them yourself this year. The nostalgia alone will bring you so much joy.
9. Make a Christmas DIY
Have a weekend free from no holiday parties? Put on your jammies, grab a drink, and get crafty! For those who love a good DIY, you can just out my week full of fun at-home projects you can do to lift your spirits and keep those hands busy. Most things can be ordered on Amazon or a quick stop to the dollar store would do, but find something that sparks your interest and give it a go! Finishing a DIY project always gives you such satisfaction, so why not choose to add to your holiday décor with something you made yourself! Take a look at this one where I made my own Christmas wrapping paper!
Or, if you’re not the DIY type, get a winter themed puzzle and tackle that! Word of advice though, make it one that’s less than 1,000 pieces. You’ll thank me later.
10. Just Be Present
Last but not least, instead of trying to scurry around and keep yourself busy, just let the feelings of gratitude sit with you for a minute. It’s been a tough year and this Christmas won’t be normal and it’s okay to be sad, angry, and disappointed – it’s all very valid to feel those things. But instead of dwelling in what isn’t this year, try focusing on what you do have: your health, your family and friends, and maybe even extra time you have at home this year instead of the booked up weekends that begin in November. Gratitude can bring you perspective and happiness, you just need to allow yourself to feel it.
How will you be staying festive from home this year?
For yesterday’s blogmas post, you can read that here!
Love all your suggestions, and love reading your blog every day!
Thanks, Nancy! I’m sure you’ve done a few of these yourself already! <3