The Kenzzi review is here! I mentioned this product on my Stories last week and had so many dms and questions about it so figured a blog post about my experience would be helpful. Let’s get straight into it ’cause it’s that good!
So what is this Kenzzi device? It’s an IPL (intense pulse light) hair removal handset that you can use at home and I’m here to tell you that you need it too.
Why I Purchased One
If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably heard me mention how I’ve been waxing my legs for quite some time. Since high school, I’ve been waxing my legs on and off but faithfully for the last year and a half. I had a waxing membership at my local wax bar and was going regularly. For me during this season of life, waxing was my best option. Then Covid happened and we went into lockdown so all that work and progress seriously went to crap.
Once we were in the stay at home order I did my best to not give up on the progress I made with my hair removal journey. I began to wax everything on my own and I’ll save you the sob story because it wasn’t fun AT ALL. I hated it. It was taking me 3+ hours, I wasn’t getting all the hair, and my husband came into the room while I was in the most awkward position trying to get the backs of my legs. FUN TIMES.
Cue the Kenzzi! I’ve mentioned before that I love watching Youtube. I have my fav ones I watch regularly and love finding new ones too. It was when Nicole Guerriero started talking about the Kenzzi in her videos that I became intrigued and started to look into it. It seemed easy, painless, and promised 12 week results. After one last excruciating attempt waxing at home and me in boarder line tears of pure frustration, I pulled the trigger and purchased one. Now, my world has forever changed for the better.
What Does IPL Mean?
As I mentioned above, the Kenzzi is an IPL device for at-home use. IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light which means that light passes through the device in multiple wavelengths. Laser hair removal uses a more concentrated light spectrum. The difference between the two is that laser hair removal penetrates deeper into the skin whereas IPL doesn’t. Therefore, IPL may take a few more sessions to remove all the hair whereas laser can do it in less. Either way, the Kenzzi is an amazing alternative to removing hair in the comfort of your own home.
My First Impressions of the Kenzzi
When it arrived, I was quite impressed at the quality of the packaging and actual product. It came in a lux box (since been recycled so I don’t have pictures of it) and everything looked really nice. The instructions on how to use it were straight forward as well with no room for confusion. You were also emailed the how-to booklet in case you didn’t want to keep the little handbook, which is what I opted for.
The touch and feel of the device is also quite nice. It’s comfortable to hold in your hand and find it a great size to hold and isn’t too big or awkward.
Getting Started With the Kenzzi Handset
If you’re familiar with laser hair removal in general, then you know that you can’t wax the area you want to treat because waxing removes the root of the hair. In order for laser or IPL to work, you need the hair follicle to be in place.
Before you begin lasering away, it’s recommended to exfoliate the area(s) you will be shaving and treating. Exfoliating will get rid of dead and dry skin and give you a closer shave. Doing this also helps tackle any in-grown hairs you might get from shaving as well.
For me, I purchased a dry brush to exfoliate with and cannot begin to tell you how amazing it is. By far the dry brush is so much better than those annoying exfoliating gloves. I always felt those just irritated my skin and did more damage than good. The benefits of using the dry brush have been night and day for my legs. I’ve always been one to have really bad in-grown hairs on the backs on my legs but since using my dry brush they have completely gone away. Highly recommend! Long story short, exfoliate before using the Kenzzi because yes, it makes a difference.

How the Kenzzi Works
Once you’ve finished exfoliating and shaving the desired area, you’re ready to use it! Kenzzi recommends that you go over each area 3 times. To make sure I don’t miss any areas, I try and keep the pulses about 1 inch apart. The device has a glide option so that you don’t have to keep pressing the button for each pulse. This is super convenient when doing larger areas like your legs.

There are also 5 different settings that you can pulse with, 5 being the most intense for faster results. They recommend you do your first session on level 1 and build up from there. I did my first session on level 1 but then every session after that at level 5. The actual lasering is quite painless and if you can, I recommend doing it on the highest setting for faster results. It’s also recommended to moisturize the areas after lasering so the skin doesn’t become dry.
I’ve been using the Kenzzi for the recommended 12 weeks now and I must say I’m pretty impressed with the results! I think it’s important to note though that I was faithfully waxing my legs for over a year before beginning this process. If you’re starting from scratch and depending on how much hair you have, it may take a few more sessions. Since using the Kenzzi though, my hair growth process has significantly reduced and I could probably get away without shaving my legs for about a week and a half. Which for me, is a huge win. I’m pretty close to not having to do any more sessions on both my legs and underarms which is super exciting for a girl who’s always been limited to doing things because of all the hair on her body.

The first picture is right before my fourth session. I kept forgetting to take before pictures which is why I only have the first one at four weeks. The middle is right before my eighth session and the third is right before my twelfth session. It’s hard to really capture the results over a picture but the reduced growth is quite significant. On my thighs, the hairs are even less and I have patches of completely smooth skin. It’s just hard to capture the small hairs on camera. However, if you look closely at the hair in the third picture, it’s quite less than the first image.
I also used the Kenzzi on my face (upper lip, sideburns, and neck) and the hair has completely stopped growing after just 6 weeks! With the hair pretty much non-existent on my face, I am much more confident now. I was always so self conscious of those little facial hairs. Ugh.
Questions I Was Asked on IG
When I shared that I was using the Kenzzi on IG last week, I got so many questions about it! I figured that I can answer some of those here in case others had the same ones. These were the 3 main questions I was asked!
Does It Hurt?
Short answer: Not at all. There are 5 levels you can use the Kenzzi at, 5 being the highest. They recommend that on your first try you use it on level 1 and increase from there. My first try I did it on level 1 and then level 5 every session after that. The only time I lowered to level 3 was when I used it the week before my period. The sensitivity is pretty normal for me as I’m typically super sensitive in all areas the week before. Use it to what you’re comfortable with but I laser my underarms on level 5 and am completely fine. For my face, the upper lip on level 5 did have a quick “zap” feeling to it but nothing that was too painful.
How Much Is It?
The IPL device is priced at $283 and if you have a promo code you can definitely apply it at checkout. I used the promo code from Nicole Guerriero for $50 off (NG50) which brings the price down to $221.22 and comes to a total of $231.39 after taxes and shipping.
Before the pandemic, I had a waxing membership that was $60 a month with unlimited waxing. Although that was a great price for a girl who was going in for literally everything, if you do the math, the Kenzzi was a no brainer for cost savings. Four months of waxing gives me a laser, at-home experience with much better results. Also, the one week waiting period to use the Kenzzi is much more bearable than waiting for the potential few weeks of waiting for hair to grow back longer for waxing.
Where Can You Use It?
I have used it on my legs, bikini line, underarms, upper lip, sideburns, and neck. So far I have absolutely loved the results on all areas that I’ve used it for. Up next for me are my arms and I’m going to attempt doing a brazilian as well.
Next Steps
Like I mentioned above, I plan to use it on my arms and do a brazilian next and I’m super pumped about it. Nothing beats getting rid of hair conveniently on your own and at home. My overall thoughts on the Kenzzi: Where have you been all my life?!