Making gifts to give to friends and family are always a hit. It’s the personal tough that lets others know we’re thinking of them and that they’re special to us. To add to your homemade gift (like these cute baby mistletoe feet), you can go the extra mile and make a personalized gift tag, too! Keep reading to see how I made my daughter’s gift tag for her Christmas gifts.
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What You Need:
-Wooden cutouts (I found these at Dollarama)
-Cellophane or a clear plastic you can cut
-Hot glue gun
-Paint and paint brush
-Thin Sharpie marker
How to Make a Personalized Gift Tag
This DIY is super easy to make and took very little time to do it. I love how it turned out and can’t wait to attach it to one of her gifts. I think it’ll also be something we keep to always use on one of her Christmas gifts.
First up, you’ll need to paint your wooden cutouts. Make sure to paint the outside and inside edges, too.
Once one side of each cutout is painted and dried, you can then take your plastic and roughly trace the inside of the shape. You don’t want any of the plastic showing on the outside so cut the excess off. For the plastic pieces, I actually cut a small square from a little plastic ornament box I had. I also thought cellophane would work too if you don’t have any clear plastic. I also gave the pieces a little rinse with water because they were a bit dusty.

Take your wooden pieces and line the inside edges with hot glue. Then, place your plastic piece on top of the glue making sure is covers the inside hole. Repeat for the second wooden cutout. Side note, before you glue down the plastic pieces, make sure you leave a space for the hole at the top to feed the string through. Once you’ve done that, take one cutout and pour some glitter on top of the plastic piece, with the painted side down. Next, glue the outside edge of the other cutout and place it on top of the piece with the glitter. Press and hold for a few seconds to make sure the two adhere together.
After the two pieces have been combined, feed the string through the top hole and tie together. You can do the writing on the cutout before you glue the pieces together, I just did mine after.
Et voilà! You have yourself a personalized gift tag!
Would you ever make a personalized gift tag for someone’s gift?
Check out these dough baked personalized tags I made for my first Blogmas! They were so, so cute and also make for a great addition to a gift!