How cute are little tiny baby fingerprints? Cute enough to put them on an ornament for your Christmas tree, I tell ya! I made reindeer and a snowman out of my daughter’s thumbprints and it’ll be sure to act as a little keep sake for years to come.
Read below how I made fingerprint ornaments with my daughter.
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How to Make Fingerprint Ornaments

There is so much inspiration you can find on Pinterest and that’s where I originally saw these. Although the ones I saw had the whole body for the reindeer, I opted for just the faces and decided to add in my husband’s and my thumbprint as well. I love that it’s the three of us on there!

First, you need clear, round ornaments. I chose to paint mine pink but you can do whatever colour you like. I also painted two coats to make sure that you couldn’t see through the paint and that seemed to do the trick.

Next up, take a small amount of paint and paint your baby’s thumb. A little goes a long way. I found that the less paint I used the easier it was. More paint allowed for her thumb to slide around. Place your baby’s thumb where you want the reindeer.
Once the thumbprint has dried (which shouldn’t take long at all), you can draw on your antlers and eyes. I used a Sharpie and it worked totally fine. I also gave each reindeer a red nose but later went back at put brown paint over it because I wasn’t too crazy about it. But do what you love!

Repeat those same painting steps and techniques for the snowman but do three down the middle on top of each other. Again with your Sharpie, draw on a hat, two eyes, a smile, and a few buttons and you’re done! I also used a toothpick to paint a very thin line on the snowman’s hat!
This DIY was actually quite simple and I love having her little thumbprint to keep for years to come.
I did another ornament DIY for my first Blogmas, check it out here!