Surprise! If you follow me on IG then you already know we’re having a baby but I needed to make it official on the blog and boy does it feel good. We finally shared our special news with family and friends and I couldn’t wait to tell the blog world, as well.
If you’ve followed my blog for the last little while, you’ll know that my last post was in early October and there hasn’t been one since. But for good reason and I’ll get into it all below. But before I do, a sincere thank you for sticking around and reading my posts even when I take breaks – it always means the world to me!
Finding Out We Were Pregnant
We found out that we were expecting one week after our second anniversary – more specifically, Tuesday, September 28th, 2021. If you’ve been or are beginning to go down the journey of trying to start a family, I’ll be the first one to tell you that it doesn’t happen at the drop of a dime. It takes time and actual planning to make it work. Don’t be discouraged seeing those negative pregnancy tests because it’s more likely than not that you will experience some. And that’s not to be a debby downer, it’s just the truth. A truth that I really wish someone would have told me. Everyone and their grandmother makes it seem like it happens just like that when in actuality, it takes time. Give yourself that with a dose of patience.
The day we saw a positive reading on the test, I can tell you we did not expect it. What we expected was to see it turn negative like ones before. So when we looked over the bathroom sink and saw it say, “Yes+”, we both literally gasped, stepped away from the sink, covered our mouths with our hands, and literally just stared at each other. Shock aside that it was actually positive, it was such a beautiful moment for us. We had tears in eyes and when we came back to reality, we grabbed each other for a hug and cried very happy tears.

1st Trimester Fun
Once the news became more of a reality and I informed my doctor, the 1st trimester symptoms hit like no ones business. If you look up what the symptoms are for those first few months, I had almost every single one. Starting from about 5-6 weeks, my body was most definitely letting me know that it was prepping and beginning to grow a baby. One of the main reasons I had to remove myself from the blog and IG was because of how little energy I had and how sick I was getting. Spoiler alert, morning sickness does not limit itself to just the mornings.
The intensity of the symptoms I was experiencing had me questioning more than once if I was cut out for pregnancy. It. Was. Tough. They say the first and third trimesters are the hardest and I’m excited to report I’m now happily in my second!
Telling Family & Friends
I absolutely loved keeping this secret from everyone – Shaun and I were really able to enjoy the first 3 months of excitement and envisioning how our world will change without any outside world commentary. However, it was very hard to keep the secret, especially from the parents. We made the decision to tell people in waves which first began with parents, then to siblings, then extended to grandmothers, and finally to immediate aunts, uncles, and first cousins. We decided to wait to tell the rest of our worlds until our 20 week scan as that’s what we were most comfortable with. And if I have learned anything from this process so far it is to most definitely to do things at your own pace. It’s an exciting time, there’s no doubt about it, but it can also be a little stressful too. Share your special news when you feel in your heart it’s the right time for you guys.
What’s Next on the Agenda
At this point, I’m just over half way through my pregnancy coming in at 22 weeks this past weekend which is absolutely wild if you ask me. It seems like the last few months have flown by and it’s crazy to think we’re that much closer to meeting baby. We’re so excited and honestly can’t wait. As of right now, we have a few to-do lists on the go and it only seems to be growing (enter nervous laugh here).
At the moment, we’re slowly starting to make room and clear some things out of the condo. I love tackling things on a to-do list so it all brings me lots of joy. Once this stage of prep is done we’ll move onto getting the mini nursery ready which is literally what I’ve been dreaming about for years. I’m pumped to finally be able to dig into it and get the space setup for little babe.
I’m so excited to take you all on this journey with us and can’t wait to write all the pregnancy and mommy blog posts!