Baby girl is now just over two months old and I’m still trying to wrap my head around where the time has gone, seriously.
Since having Ava, things have definitely gotten easier, but her first month was a rollercoaster. As a new mom, I was trying my best to navigate the ins and outs of parenthood, seeing what works, what doesn’t. In all of that new learning came our breast feeding journey as well. A journey I don’t think I was mentally prepared for. One that really no one can prep you for until you’re truly in the thick of it. With this week being National Breastfeeding week, I thought now would be a good time to chat about nursing bras.
*The nursing bras mentioned in this post were gifted by Cake Maternity, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.*
Ava’s first week of life was very emotional for me to a degree I couldn’t control. When they say your hormones will be all over the place after having a baby, they’re not lying. I was an emotional wreck and breast feeding was one of my main sources of where the intense feelings were coming from. Within baby girl’s first few hours of life, she was plopped on my boob and I was left to figure it out on my own. Sure, I knew some things about what to expect but I was not prepared for days ahead.
There is so much content about what to pack in your hospital bag for yourself but in all honesty, I maybe opened my bag twice. I stayed in my hospital gown for the better part of my visit because it was easier to feed her that way as opposed to dealing with clothes each time. As a new parent, I was really just going for what worked for me at the time and being close to naked worked. Once we got home, not much changed in that regard. It was easier for me to just be in my bra and underwear so that’s what I stayed in for 90% of the first two weeks. Little did I know though that the nursing bras you wear make a difference in how you feel for a variety of reasons.
While I was pregnant, I ordered 3 black nursing bras from Amazon for myself, all which had decent reviews. However, I quickly came to realize that they were one of my worst Amazon purchases ever. And that’s no lie or exaggeration. The fabric was harsh and stiff and the strap at the back dug into my skin, even with band clip extenders in. I also had a difficult time undoing the little clip to uncover my breast. It kept getting stuck and with a crying baby waiting to be fed, the anxiety would grow and make for a not so pleasant experience for myself or for baby girl. Overall, I was struggling and my bra fiasco wasn’t making it any better but with the very little “extra time” I had with a newborn, I made do and kept moving along.
In the thick of trudging along my uncomfortable breastfeeding journey, in came Cake Maternity who reached out and expressed interest in me trying their nursing bras. I could not be more grateful and excited for a new bra in my entire life. I was gifted two of their bras, the Chantilly Nursing Bralette in the colour blush and their Freckles Recycled Nursing Bra in the colour mauve. Both, and I truly mean it, are absolutely beautiful and so incredibly comfortable.
The Chantilly Lace Bralette is that extra bit of sexy you need after having a baby. Maybe not immediately after, but I definitely needed something to make me feel better about my new body and this bra delivered. It gives you the right amount of self-confidence and comfort you need post-baby. It’s hard to love on your new postpartum body (something I really didn’t expect to hit me so hard) but having the right undergarments can steer you in the right direction of self love again and accepting your new body. ‘Cause let me tell you, things change after having a baby.

If you’re looking for an everyday, comfort over everything type of nursing bra though, the Freckles Recycled Nursing Bra has your name on it. I have now officially deemed this nursing bra as my everyday one because it’s that comfortable. I also sleep in this one too because I feel the most supported in it.

Both bras, along with being beautiful and comfortable, make for easy breast feeding. I have fed Ava in both of these and the experience for both her and I have been much more smooth compared to when I was using those other nursing bras. The clasp to pull the cup down is so easy to undo that I’m able to unclip it with one hand – something I wasn’t able to do with the other nursing bras. Within a matter of seconds, I’m setup and Ava is ready for her feed. Switching her from either side is easier with these bras as well. Because of how easily it is to manage the clip, I’m able to switch her from side-to-side with ease and comfort knowing that she won’t start screaming because I’m taking too long to do up and un-do the clips.
Not to mention that both of these nursing bras offer clips in the back straps to allow you to hide them. They’re easy to clasp together with a dainty little clip. Not sure about you, but I’ve never seen nursing bras with the ability to wear all kinds of tops and dresses with. The attention to detail without compromising the comfort is at another level.

These bras have been a gift sent from nursing heaven. Just when I thought I was going to give up because it was just too stressful, in came Cake Maternity offering comfort, ease, and a little bit of beauty to our nursing journey.
Cake Maternity is an Australian brand who was founded by Tracey, a mother herself who wanted to offer other moms an option to breastfeed comfortably while still feeling sexy. Who said you can’t have your cake and eat it too?! Why do nursing bras need to be so…old school? Cake Maternity offers a wide variety of bras, barrettes, and pumping bras as well that will surely make you feel your best. They care about the environment and care about making mothers feel amazing – it’s a win win for everyone.
You can check out Cake Maternity here and enhance your nursing experience just like mine was. They are also currently having a sale of 25% off site-wide for World Breastfeeding Week with the code WBW25 when you check out!
And just to add piece of mind to any new mom who might be reading this — every breast feeding journey is different, do what’s best for you and your baby <3