Happy Thursday, everyone! What a glorious week we’ve had with this weather. Have you gone outside to enjoy it? Highly recommend the fresh air and vitamin D!
Let’s jump into our feel good little thing for this week!
This Week’s Little Thing:
Ticking off your to-do list
I am a notorious planner. There is just something about planning ahead that makes me feel better about my days to come. Having lists makes me feel organized and ready to tackle what needs to get done.
Whether in my personal life or work life, I am always making lists of things I need to do. I make daily lists, weekly lists, and even monthly ones too if it permits. But that little joy I’m talking about today isn’t about lists, it’s all about ticking off those tasks.

Even if you wrote down, “make my bed”, it is so incredibly satisfying to tick it off. You know the feeling, I’m sure you do. The joy that comes from a list completely ticked off just has so much satisfaction in it! This feeling is often accompanied with the feeling of accomplishment! Ticking tasks off makes you feel productive with your time and day, and feels like you got stuff done! I’m a busy body and need to always have something on the go, so lists help me zone in on what I need to focus on. But checking those tasks off, man oh man, that has to be one of the most satisfying feelings ever!
To keep my lists in check (because there’s a lot), I use my Content Planner and a beautiful day planner from an Etsy shop called, posypaper. They both work so well at keeping me on track and allowing space to have my many lists at my finger tips.
Are you a list maker and love to tick off your tasks, too?
In case you missed last week’s little thing, you can find it here!
This is so good! I love doing to-lists! In fact, I don’t work without them xD
Thank you! Yes, I have a hard time functioning without one too!
I absolutely LOVE to-do lists! Even if I’m having a totally chill day & have nothing planned, I need some kind of structure and a list is the perfect thing. I write mine in my bullet journal and literally look forward to a Sunday night where I get to plan next weeks lists 🙂 xx
That’s amazing! I’m very similar in that way as well. Even if I don’t have much on the go, I still write down small things I need to do that I can later tick off!
Oh I do love a to do list and I really don’t think I’d be as productive as I am without one!
Katy | http://www.katystephenson.com | http://www.thegrownupsclub.com
Yes! Totally agree! If I don’t have my lists for the day, I’m totally thrown off, lol
If I could add “make a list” to my list, I think I would – that’s how much I love making lists haha! I thrive when I’m able to check everything off at the end of the day. It’s so satisfying to see what I’ve accomplished. I’m glad I’m not alone in this!
Yes, lol!! There is nothing more satisfying for me than ticking things off my list. Sometimes I write down the easiest things just to tick them off!
I love to-do lists and the joy that comes with getting to tick the completed tasks is surreal haha. To do lists are my thing. They are my go-to for a more productive day. Lovely post x!
Doesn’t it just feel so satisfying? I absolutely love ticking the tasks off, lol. Thank you so much for reading! <3
I have daily to do lists and monthly to do lists, I honestly am a manic planner! I find it really helps me stay productive! Thanks for sharing x
Yes, me too! Makes me feel productive and organized. Thanks for reading!
I always have mental lists running and love crossing items off them. Maybe I should just start writing them down? Could be a good way to clear my mind. You’re definitely right about the feeling of accomplishment once you’re able to cross something off the list. Thanks for sharing!
Highly suggest writing them down, even if it’s in your phone for you to click completed! It’s a great way to get those off your mind for sure, and nothing beat the satisfaction of ticking them off, lol. Thanks for reading!
I’m a list maker, usually when I have a lot in my mind! I find they really help me to organise my thoughts and plan what needs to be done and sort them into the relevant areas of my life! Xo
I am the same way! I love lists to keep me organized and help prioritize what I need to get done! Thanks for reading!
I find there is nothing better than a good to-do list – the satisfaction of ticking off tasks I have completed is empowering!
Yes! I absolutely love ticking things off my lists! I get such satisfaction out of it!
I love ticking things off my to do list! It gives me such satisfaction! I have to write it all down and it is so rewarding when you finish!
Yes!! I absolutely feel the same! It feels so good to tick everything off at the end of the day!
I love a good to-do list, it really is satisfying ticking off the ones I’ve done. Great post!
Me too! And so satisfying! Thank you so much for reading 🙂
I am a sucker for lists, nothing ever rewarding as ticking off items on them, makes me feel accomplished for the day! Thanks for sharing x