How has everyone been holding up? Things in Ontario, Canada have felt heavy over the last few weeks, so if you’re in the GTA like I am, I hope you’re hanging in there!
With my webiste down for a rebuild, it’s been a while since the last little things post has been published. Here are my last two: When Your Package Arrives Early and Kisses From Your Partner if you’d like to catch up and read those as well! But for now, let’s get into today’s post!
Weekly Little Thing:
Having a bad day
Bad days. We’ve all been there. I just came off of a few bad weeks to be honest. Sometimes it’s just one thing that bothers you and other days it’s one thing after the next.
For me, I try to turn those bad days around but sometimes you just have to let it take its course. Plus, experiencing bad days always makes the good ones really, really good. One thing I love doing when I’m feeling off is treat myself to Starbucks. It gets me out of the house, gets me a tasty treat, and almost acts as a reset to my day. Bad days are bound to happen, it’s part of life. But learning how to bounce back from them is what really matters.
As you know, each month I have a guest on the blog to share their thoughts on the topic. I am so excited to introduce you to this month’s wonderful woman:
Emily, from Restless, I Roam
I found Emily on Twitter and she is one of the funniest people I follow. She often tweets what everyone’s already thinking and I love looking out for what she has to say. If it’s not a tweet about what people are thinking, it’s about little bits of what she’s up to that day – which are usually pretty funny when you’re reading them.
Emily is such a kind and genuine spirit which you can gather pretty quickly from her tweets. Emily has a beautiful blog, Restless, I Roam and chats all things lifestyle. Did I mention she also has an Etsy page?! Emily’s shop is called RestlessBrushStudio where she sells the most beautiful prints that to me, scream out body positivity. They’re minimal and so aesthetic. You can also find Emily on Instagram where she shares photos and videos of her cat who is just too adorable. If you’re not following Emily already, she comes highly recommended. Such a beautiful woman inside and out!
Here’s What Emily Has to Say:
When I sat down to write this post, I was not having a very good day.
I was feeling unmotivated, uninspired, uninterested in doing anything except lying in bed and binging something on Netflix.
But, I had to get this post done so I closed my eyes and thought back to the last time I remembered just having a really good day.
What’s interesting is that the day I thought of was not a day when anything particularly exciting happened. It wasn’t the day I went on that great first date last week, or the day I finished the draft of the novel I’ve been working on.
On the day I thought of, I didn’t go out and do anything fun. I didn’t accomplish any huge tasks. Honestly, I don’t even really remember what all I did that day.
But I remember the feeling.
I just felt good.
It was almost like I was high, that’s how good I felt. I remember opening the refrigerator to look for something to eat for lunch and just smiling to myself. I think I even started giggling!
I texted a friend and said:
“I’m in such a good mood today. I feel so good. The world is beautiful. I could just turn into a butterfly and fly away.”
That kind of sounds like something that someone on drugs would say, right?? But I wasn’t on drugs, I was just having a really good day. There was no real reason that I could pinpoint why I felt this way. I’ve had days like this before, and I love when they come. It would be amazing if every day felt like that, but then I suppose if every day was such a high it wouldn’t feel so special.
Rather than think too hard to try and figure out why I was feeling so good on this day in particular, I just ran with it and embraced the feeling. I danced around the house and sat outside in the sunshine, read a good book, shared my good mood with anyone I interacted with. I savored it, and every little thing I did that day was full of joy and wonder.
When you’re having a really good day everything feels better – food tastes richer, music is more beautiful, sensations feel heightened. Sometimes when I’m having a really good day I just sit outside and feel the sun warm my face, feel the breeze tickle my arms and legs, watch the clouds move across the sky and the birds chase each other through the trees.
Have you ever had a day like that?
Sometimes the mundane days are the ones that can bring us the most joy – but we have to let them. In fact, even just taking the time to write this, and think back on that day when I felt so incredible for no apparent reason, has improved my mood. I’m feeling brighter, I’m taking the time to appreciate the little parts of my day that have been good that I wasn’t noticing through my bad mood.
I’m eating a delicious piece of chocolate. My cat is purring in my lap. I’m doing something that I love (writing). So… why did I think I wasn’t having a good day again?
The next time you’re having a really good day, make sure you pause to acknowledge it. Embrace it. Savor that day as much as you can. Feel the joy in your entire being and hold on to it for as long as you can.
And if you’re having a not so good day, pause to reflect on if it’s really a bad day, or if you’re just ignoring the good parts. What are some of the little things happening in your day that you can acknowledge and say “Yes, I love that. It brings me joy”? Recognizing those things as we go about our day can completely shift our perspective of how our day is going.
Before you know it your boring, insignificant day could turn into one of the great ones.
Something that may help is to make a list and write down all the things that make up a really good day for you. What are some of the things you might put on that list? Is it catching up with a good friend? Eating your favorite food? Snuggling your pet? Spending time outside?
I hope this post reminds you to enjoy yourself when you’re having a really good day, and recognize those good days more often when they come.
I found it impactful post. Small things has huge impact so it’s better we learn from our bad days and make our other days more good with such learnings. Since we learn small things but it usually has a vital impact just like said in the post going to Starbucks. Very nicely put on. Thanks for sharing this!
So glad it resonated with you! I think bad days will always happen, it’s just about how you handle them and move forward!