It is so incredibly hard to wrap your head around the fact that we’ve already arrived at the holiday season! I mean, seriously, where did 2020 go?! However we got here though, I’m so excited to be taking part in Blogmas this Christmas!
For anyone who might not be aware of what Blogmas is, it’s where you publish a blog post every day leading up to Christmas starting December 1st! The posts are related to the holidays in some way or cover a general winter theme to offer holiday inspiration! I have been thinking about this since the summer so I’m excited to have the time finally come. As an avid vlogmas viewer, it’s pretty cool to be on this side of content for the holidays.
Today’s post is quite simple:
What Does Christmas Mean to You?

Bright lights, gifts bursting from the bottom of the tree. It’s easy to get lost in the glitz of it all. And why not, Christmas truly is the most magical time of year. But after twinkling lights have dimmed and paper ripped and thrown away, what’s left? For me, it’s always been family.
Christmas to me has never been about the presents under the tree or what I got specifically. Of course when I was younger those things meant more, but even still, my parents always reminded us what celebrating meant in terms of our faith. And although I always knew that, I have always centred Christmas around time spent with my family. Going from one house to the other, squeezing in every family for a visit always meant the most to me. It’s what always brought me happiness and warmed my heart.
This Christmas will no doubt be different. It’ll be a little challenging but we can still celebrate and choose to feel joy. There’s a million reasons to be angry this season, a million reasons to be bitter and not celebrate. But if there’s anything I won’t let this year do is take away the time of year I love most.
We may not be able to visit all the members of our family like we normally would and we may not be able to have big Christmas dinners like we’re used to as well, but we can still allow ourselves to feel happiness and get lost in the holiday twinkle.
So tell me, how do you plan on kicking off your holiday season?
If you’d like to read the next blogmas on what Christmas means to you, you can find that here!
I love that you are doing blogmas!!! Cannot wait to read all your posts
I also can’t believe it’s the holidays already! And while I’m sad this year will be very different, and we likely won’t get to see all of our family, I am thankful for being able to (hopefully) see our immediate families and still reflect on the things we are most grateful for.
Thank you so much, Melissa!! It’s so crazy how we’re at December, I have no idea where the year went. But yes, exactly, we at least have that so not all is lost <3
Great post! We introduced Evan to the Elf of the Shelf today which was fun. Super excited for the holidays this year.
Thanks, Kiki! I love that he’s at the age you can do that, brings another element of magic into the home!